Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у уторак, 5. новембра 2024. године, у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14.15. У питању је заједнички састанак са Семинаром за вештачку интелигенцију.
Предавач: Arutyun Avetisyan, Andrey Belevantsev, Yuri Markin
Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS)
Апстракт: The report will primarily focus on ISP RAS research for trusted AI technology, including trusted frameworks for training neural networks, the theory and practice of creating models that can withstand attacks, preventing model aging, searching for machine learning vulnerabilities, and others. The second part of the report will be devoted to the development of secure software. The report will present technologies developed at ISP RAS for secure software development (SDLC), which are necessary for creating efficient and secure software of any type, including artificial intelligence. Among them are approaches to program analysis, including static, dynamic analysis and fuzzing, secure compilation methods, and attack detection methods.The final part of the report will be devoted to research on digital watermarks, which ISP RAS conducts jointly with the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The rapid development of AI poses new challenges in protecting training datasets, as well as trained neural network models, from anonymous theft. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to guarantee the possibility of establishing the fact of content synthesis, and on the other hand, to prevent the creation of deepfakes based on it.
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