Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у уторак, 22. новембра 2022, у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14.15.

Предавач: Ивана Љубић, ESSEC Business School of Paris, France


Апстракт: This work addresses an operational problem of a logistics service provider that consists of finding an optimal route for a vehicle carrying customer parcels from a central depot to selected facilities, from where autonomous devices like robots are launched to perform last-mile deliveries. The objective is to minimize a tardiness indicator based on the customer delivery deadlines. We provide a better understanding of how three major tardiness indicators can be used to improve the quality of service by minimizing the maximum tardiness, the total tardiness, or the number of late deliveries. We study the problem complexity, devise a unifying Mixed Integer Programming formulation and propose an efficient branch-and-Benders-cut scheme to deal with instances of realistic size. Numerical results show that this novel Benders approach with a tailored combinatorial algorithm for generating Benders cuts largely outperforms all other alternatives. In our managerial study, we vary the number of available facilities, the coverage radius of autonomous robots and their speed, to assess their impact on the quality of service and environmental costs. Joint work with: L. Alfandari and M.M. de Silva

Биографија предавача: Ivana Ljubic is Professor of Operations Research at the ESSEC Business School of Paris. Prior to joining ESSEC in 2015, she was appointed at the University of Vienna. She also worked as Visiting Scholar/Professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, TU Dortmund, TU Berlin, Dauphine University. Research interests of Ivana Ljubic include combinatorial optimization, optimization under uncertainty, bilevel optimization. She uses tools and methods of mixed integer (non-) linear programming, meta-heuristics and their successful combinations for solving optimization problems with applications in network design, telecommunications, transportation, logistics, routing and bioinformatics. She has published more than 60 articles in leading OR journals.

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