Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у понедељак, 18. новембра 2024. године, у огранку МИ САНУ у Нишу и онлајн са почетком у 14.15. У питању је Заједнички састанак са семинарима Одлучивање теорија, технологије, пракса и Биомеханика, биоинжињеринг и математичка биологија

Предавач: Анђелка Хедрих, Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia


Апстракт: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) system is one of the most famous examples of oscillating chemical reactions, where bromate ions oxidize malonic acid to produce carbon dioxide, with ferroin serving as a catalyst. This reaction is a remarkable example of a nonlinear chemical oscillator that exhibits self-organizing behavior across both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such nonlinearity allows the system to form complex, dynamic patterns, often likened to those observed in biological and physical systems. Over the years, various substances have been documented in scientific literature for their ability to modulate the dynamics of the BZ reaction. Examples include silver ions, heavy water, lipid bilayers, liposomes, electric potentials, light exposure, methanol, ethylene glycol, ascorbic acid, tannic acid, among others. Each of these modulators uniquely influences the oscillatory behavior of the reaction, potentially altering its frequency, amplitude, or spatial patterns. These modulatory effects of the BZ system have intriguing applications in fields such as robotics, where the reaction can serve as a chemical engine for small-scale robots. For instance, studies demonstrate the use of BZ-based systems in programmable hybrid digital-chemical processors, as well as in BZ liquid marbles, which act as miniature chemical reactors capable of supporting robotic motion and control. We will present and discuss these BZ applications in robotic systems and our recent research that uncovered new modulators of the BZ reaction, expanding the possibilities for precision control in both chemical processing and robotic applications.

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Meeting ID: 992 1205 3714
Passcode: 796679