Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у петак 4. новембра 2022, у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14.15. У питању је заједнички састанак са Одељењем за механику. Састанак Семинара је могуће пратити на даљину.

Предавач: Frol Zapolsky, University of Haifa, Israel

Наслов предавања: BIG FIBER THEOREMS

Апстракт: There is a general principle in mathematics which says that one annot assemble a complicated object from simple pieces. This can be formulated as follows: any map in a suitable category has a big fiber. I’ll present examples from topology, combinatorics, and symplectic geometry, which is the mathematical formalism of classical mechanics. It turns out that some of these seemingly unrelated results can be proved using very similar tools. The common approach I’ll describe is based on Gromov’s notion of ideal-valued measures and their generalization in symplectic geometry called ideal-valued quasi-measures. I’ll explain all the relevant notions. The talk is based on joint work with Adi Dickstein, Yaniv Ganor, and Leonid Polterovich.

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