Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у петак, 28. априла 2023, у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14.15.
Предавач: Edeghagba Eghosa Elijah, Bauchi State University, Gadau, Nigeria
Апстракт: In our research Omega-algebras arise as a special kind of lattice-valued algebras originating from Omega-sets as introduced by Fourman and Scott, where the co-domain of the function is a complete lattice Omega. Basically, Omega-algebras are lattice-valued algebraic structures, defined over ordinary algebras of the given type in which the classical equality is replaced by the Omega-valued one. Classical identities are satisfied on an Omega-algebra as lattice formulas in the framework of Omega-valued equality instead of the ordinary one. An identity may be satisfied by an Omega-algebra, while the underlying classical algebra need not satisfy this identity. In addition, particular so called cut structures over the Omega-equality are classical algebras, fulfilling the given identities in the classical sense.
This talk is intended to present a short overview on Omega-algebras and their development thus far, along with some results characterizing Omega-algebras. Also we will look into the recent ongoing work on the separability property related to Omega-equality and on a version of Birkhoff HSP theorem for Omega-algebras.
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