Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у уторак, 18. марта 2025. године, у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14.15.
Предавач: Петар Луковац, Александар Јоксимовић, Универзитет у Београду – Факултет организационих наука
Апстракт: The introduction of smart devices has proven its value in improving efficiency in ecosystems by introducing remote real-time monitoring and data sharing between stakeholders. This paper presents a model of a smart apiculture ecosystem that uses ontology at its core. The apiculture domain is chosen for its essential role in the global food market and both direct and indirect impact on the majority of agricultural domains. The research goal is to provide an approach to modeling multidomain smart ecosystems. To achieve this, a domain-specific ontology is created, as an extension to SSN ontology. Based on the created ontology, an ecosystem is created, as well as a model for smart apiary IT platform. The used process and the created model bring towards standardization of data in agricultural domain and provides a framework for future development.
Напомена: Предавања на Семинару се снимају и преносе уживо преко MITEAM платформе. Све информације могу се наћи на страници: https://miteam.mi.sanu.ac.rs/asset/qGapAHyEBad2FDwXR
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