Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан онлајн у среду, 4. децембра 2024. године, са почетком у 19 часова.

Предавач: Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Dept. Applied Mathematics, Computer Science Faculty, University of Malaga, Spain


Апстракт: The notion of inclusion is a cornerstone of set theory and therefore its generalisation in fuzzy set theory is of great interest. The functional degree (or φ-degree) of inclusion is defined to represent the degree of inclusion between two L-fuzzy sets in terms of a mapping that determines the minimal modifications required in one L-fuzzy set to be included in another in the sense of Zadeh. Thus, this notion differs from others existing in the literature because the φ-degree of inclusion is considered as a mapping instead of a value in the unit interval. We show that the φ-degree of inclusion satisfies versions of many common axioms usually required for inclusion measures in the literature. Considering the relationship between fuzzy entropy and Young’s axioms for measures of inclusion, we also present a measure of entropy based on the φ-degree of inclusion that is consistent with the axioms of De Luca and Termini. We then further study the properties of the φ-degree of inclusion and show that, given a fixed pair of fuzzy sets, their φ-degree of inclusion can be linked to a fuzzy conjunction that is part of an adjoint pair. We also show that when this pair is used as the underlying structure to provide a fuzzy interpretation of the modus ponens inference rule, it provides the maximum possible truth value in the conclusion among all those values obtained by fuzzy modus ponens using any other possible adjoint pair. Finally, we will focus on current work on the integration of the φ-degree of inclusion with FCA.

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