HCEMM is looking for BSc and MSc (or equivalent) students from Hungary and beyond and offers the candidates to be immersed in real world research with experts in their field for 4-6 weeks between 1 June and 31 August 2024. The call is open to students of biology, medicine, mathematics or related disciplines at an internationally recognized higher education institution. There are several available projects and these are among most interested ones for students of mathematics and computer science:
- Computer simulated data for validation of high-throughput sequencing data
- OMICS-Based Approach to Unravel DNA Repair Abnormalities in Cancer
- Modelling the emergence of tumour drug resistance by cancer cell plasticity
- Integrating multi-omics data to identify cancer subtypes.
The deadline for application is May 1st.
To find out more and to apply for these positions, visit this link.
If you are interested in details before applying, you can contact:
Professor Jovana Kovačević (jovana.kovacevic@matf.bg.ac.rs).