Предавање је отказано због спречености предавача. Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у петак, 6. октобра 2023. у сали 706 Математичког факултета (Студентски трг 16, IV спрат) са почетком у 12.15.

Предавач: проф. др Драган Бањевић, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto


Апстракт: Remaining useful life (RUL) is of increasing interest in practice and in theory. Engineers use it mostly when they have to decide whether to do maintenance, or if they can delay it due to production requirements. They typically estimate an upper limit for the remaining life, not the expectation of the remaining life. It is commonly assumed in engineering that in later life the hazard function is increasing (wear-out period), in which case the expected RUL, μ(t), is decreasing. We discuss some well known, and some less known properties of RUL for the case of increasing hazard. It has been noticed in some case studies that the standard deviation of RUL, σ(t), also decreases, which was expected, but also that the ratio μ(t)/σ(t), which was a surprise. Starting with this observation, we have proved that under some general conditions, which include Weibull distribution with increasing hazard, this is indeed the case. Even more, we have proved that the limiting distribution (standardized) of the RUL is exponential, so that the variability of RUL is relatively high. Does this make RUL not very well suited for prediction? The inclusion of condition monitoring (covariates) in prediction of RUL will also be discussed.