Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан онлајн у среду, 26. октобра 2022, од 19-20 часова. У питању је заједнички састанак са Семинаром за рачунарство и примењену математику.

Предавач: Syed Badruddoja, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA


Апстракт: The digital experience emerging in the virtual world is a reality with the advent of the metaverse. Augmented reality(AR), virtual reality(VR), extended reality(XR), and artificial intelligence(AI) algorithms would pave the way for an immersive experience for the users in the virtual space. However, the explosion of these technologies broaches new challenges to threaten the success of the metaverse due to security risks. Blockchain technology augmented with AI promises to deliver a trusted metaverse for everyone. Nevertheless, smart contracts fail to produce a cognitive prediction, dissuading users from confiding in the metaverse. We arm smart contracts with intelligence to predict using AI algorithms. Moreover, we deploy the smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain platform and produce a prediction accuracy of 95% compared to Python library-based predictions. Our results show that the prediction delay can obstruct the growth of metaverse applications to accept blockchain technologies. Furthermore, the limitation of current blockchain technology can make integration unreasonable. Therefore, we discuss possible scalability solutions that can be part of our future work to help more metaverse applications adopt blockchain solutions.

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